With this blog post we gratefully acknowledge our first gaming session on the 22nd July 2020 will be going ahead. Because the welfare of those patronising these events, please bear these following points in mind for everyone's safety and enjoyment as we goes through the current phase of the lockdown! In line with the Government Strategy for the containment of Covid-19 with the gradual re-opening of the Country, the following guidelines for All Access Games have been agreed to maintain the safety of all our attendees:
· Dealing with chronically isolated persons at low risk of infected contact it remains imperative to continue their shielding. Masks should be worn during our events, however the following concerns need to be addressed.
· Wearing masks can increase anxiety to an unacceptable level for those with mental health and anxiety conditions. It would be unfair to exclude those unable to wear masks for this reason.
· Others wearing masks can be a source of anxiety where the lower face cannot be seen, and as above it would be unfair to exclude those who would be adversely affected due to poor mental health and anxiety conditions.
· Masks will be provided for those who are able and willing to wear them, for those who cannot due to raised concerns are asked to wear a scarf or other loose clothing over the lower face which will not impact on the mental health of the wearer.
· It is advised that persons refrain from touching the eyes, nose and mouth at all times, and should immediately use the provided hand sanitiser provided afterwards.
· Hand sanitiser gel and disinfectant wipes are provided.
· Games with hard plastic pieces can be wiped down with disinfectant wipes after use to prevent inoculation with the virus.
· Hand sanitiser to be used prior to and after handling cards in card games to prevent inoculation with the virus.
· Using the space provided, social distancing can be maintained by using the dimensions of the gaming tables. These currently stand at 6’x4’ and with persons remaining at each corner the distance guidelines can be met.
· This limits attendance to approx. 8 people.
· Separate entrance and exit to the venue are available, so there is space for ‘chilling out’ should anyone experience any mental discomfort whilst at the event, at the rear. Smoking can also be permitted here, though advice against sharing cigarettes and vapes is advised.
· Nothing provided in the materials except for the hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes are covered by COSHH.
